Program: “Sound Nice”





This mentoring program is aimed at those who can express themselves in English but want to take it to the next level. Your speech will be assessed for intelligibility, you will become aware of the sounds you produce, be taught how to properly enunciate words and blends sounds, practice intonation, word stress and so on. Not only will your Speaking benefit from it, but also your Listening since they are closely intertwined.

Topics we will cover:

  • Contrast Analysis – undersatnd the differences and similarities between English and Portuguese
  • Pronunciation of Regular Verbs in the Past Tense – stand out by pronouncing them right
  • Connected Speech – let your words flow more naturally
  • Silent letters – why pronounce sounds unnecessarily?
  • Schaw – incorporate the most commom vowel sound in English into your speech
  • Minimal Pairs – distinguish the subtle difference between specific sounds
  • Stress & Intonation – learn which words are normally stressed and which ones you will barely hear

And possibly more, depending on your progress.

It’s a 15-hour one-to-one mentoring program, which will provide them which the knowledge and tools to make their English SOUND (really) NICE! 🤓



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